Nominations Open for New #LetGirlsPlay Awards
Do you know someone who has taken a stand to make a difference and has stepped up to give girls equal access to play football in school? It’s time to recognise and reward those who are breaking down barriers and giving girls the chance to play in the school curriculum, at breaktime, after school - wherever and whenever they want!
By 2024, The FA’s and Barclays’ ambition is for girls to have the same football opportunities as boys in schools and clubs. #LetGirlsPlay is a campaign to drive influence and change perceptions, showing that football can, and should, be played by girls. Many people are helping to #LetGirlsPlay and a competition is taking place, with nominations required so these efforts can be amplified.
#LetGirlsPlay is bringing together a growing community of people of all genders, ages and backgrounds who want to champion equal access for girls, helping to create independent, resilient young females who will be a force for good in all local communities. Nominations for the awards are welcome online on or before Monday 21st March.
Make your nomination today by following this link. To find out more about #LetGirlsPlay, visit the England Football website. Information on participating in grassroots Essex football can also be found in the menus above, by following @EssexCountyFA on Twitter and by searching for ‘EssexFootball’ on Facebook.