Social Value Estimator Launch

We've Launched Our Ground-Breaking ‘Social Value’ Estimator!

“Cutting Edge” Facility Highlights a Club’s Value to Their Community

Our brand-new, cutting edge ‘Social Value Estimator’ has been described as an “innovative move,” enabling grassroots football clubs to quickly obtain a figure representing their social value to the local community.

We've been developing this innovative facility alongside respected consultants, State of Life, developing a progressive estimator which is accessible via our website. The automated reports generated will highlight that volunteers are not just running a football club, they’re at the heart of their community, generating defined social, health and economic benefits.

Reports and resources are quickly and simply generated by entering key club inputs, including player and volunteer numbers and annual expenditure. The estimator then produces a report highlighting annual social, health and economic benefits. The draft report is verified by the Essex County FA so it can be utilised to articulate the value the club provides to its local community, supporting funding applications and updating stakeholders and local authorities. The resources include:

* a full report of the club’s impact, expressed both in monetary and theoretical terms, highlighting their social investment and the benefits to their community
* key data on a club’s social value, including the life satisfaction gained, volunteer time and wellbeing value, health system benefits and total social return
* a media pack, containing a press release, some frequently asked questions, key messages and social media content suggestions

The new estimator provides a key tool to support the Essex County FA #MovingForward 2028 Strategy aim of: “Creating a united #EssexFootball environment that tackles inequalities, delivers inspirational football opportunities and improves health for all.”

Chief Executive Officer, Brendan Walshe, explained: “We have been providing our clubs with bespoke club reports for a number of seasons to help them to develop and grow, which utilised the Hidden Diamonds research to show the value of the club volunteers’ time. But this new estimator elevates the club’s value to a new level by showcasing the social, health and economic impact of the club.”

“Our thriving grassroots clubs are at the heart of their local communities, and the estimator provides a platform accessible to every club - whether they’re a single-team club or club with a 60+ teams - that shows the value and impact they have locally within their community.” 

Throughout the development of the estimator, we gathered feedback to help improve the facility so it can best support clubs across Essex. This included input from Bealonians FC, who have been a key club in the testing stage. Andy MacRae, General Secretary, commented: “Our report demonstrates what we’re achieving, and how so much more could be possible.”

“We are fighting to keep our club at our ground on Oakfield Playing Fields. To be able to demonstrate the value our club adds to the local community and the economy through a recognised model is a fantastic tool with such useful information to share with politicians and potential investors.”

State of Life are named advisors on the HM Treasury’s ‘Green Book’ wellbeing guidance. They have always had the aim of democratising social value to help organisations, big and small, to produce clear, transparent reporting. Will Watt from State of Life added: “This work for the Essex County FA is right at the cutting edge of this. To put this tool in the hands of grassroots football clubs is a big step towards greater understanding, credibility and the communication of social and wellbeing value.”

“Using our expertise and experience in sport and Treasury economics, we have automated a lot of the analysis within the model. The report is transparent about the values and how these are estimated, ensuring these are open and credible. Everyone understands that sport and activity is good for us, but the challenge has been to say just how valuable. Prevention of health problems is preferable to the costs of treatment.”

“Clubs can now talk to the councils that might run their grounds and facilities. Clubs can talk to sponsors about the value they create to society. This opens up a way for the social entrepreneurs that run football clubs to talk about why this is important to their community, and wider society. This is a big and bold move from the Essex County FA, and credit and pride go to Brendan and his team for taking this approach. We’re simply grateful to be able to help clubs across Essex to thrive.”

The new social value estimator can be accessed via this link, and you can also interact with us on social media.


Representing a club's social value to their local community