England Football Accredited



England Football Accreditation is the new framework for Club and League accreditation and replaces FA Charter Standard. England Football Accreditation helps clubs and leagues create the experiences and environments where players, coaches, officials, referees, volunteers and spectators can thrive.  Accreditation is a clear signal to your community that you value the importance of being an accessible, safe and sustainable club or league. England Football Accreditation is automatically awarded to all clubs and leagues that previously held FA Charter Standard. 

Learn more about the criteria needed to gain your England Football Accreditation, as well as the benefits and rewards below:

Contact Details

Need more information on the England Football Accreditation? Contact your local Football Development Officer

Contact us


1. All committee members must complete the Safeguarding Committee Members (SCM) course
2. Evidence all safeguarding policies 
3. Evidence and adopt an equality policy
4. Have a bank account in the leagues name 
5. Provide evidence of Last season’s accounts 
6. Have at least 60% of the league’s teams accredited. 80% after 3 years
7. Have a good disciplinary record 
8. Have a league constitution 
9. Complete England Football League Annual Delivery Plan 
10. Accreditation and respect as agenda items in league meetings 
11. Have a link with another league in a different age division. 
12. Encourage teams to become England Football Accredited
Recommended (Best Practice)
13. Designated Welfare Officer 
14. All committee members with an FA Enhanced DBS

1. All committee members must have a FA Enhanced DBS 
2. All committee members must complete the Safeguarding Committee Members (SCM) course
3. Designated Welfare Officer
4. Evidence all safeguarding policies 
5. Evidence and adopt an equality policy
6. Have a bank account in the leagues name 
7. Provide evidence of Last season’s accounts 
8. Have at least 60% of the league’s teams accredited. 80% after 3 years
9. Have a good disciplinary record 
10. Have a league constitution 
11. Complete England Football League Annual Delivery Plan 
12. Accreditation and respect as agenda items in league meetings 
13. Have a link with another league or have a full player pathway 
14. Encourage teams to become England Football Accredited

League Delivery Plans

As part of your leagues England Football Accreditation, a delivery plan must be completed in order to demonstrate the leagues sustainability and allow the Essex FA to support your league further.

Once completed, please email your plan to your local Football Development Officer

League Delivery Plan

Benefits and Rewards

As an England Football Accredited league, you will receive benefits and rewards whether you are newly accredited, or you are already an existing accredited league. Learn more about what you can receive as an England Football Accredited Adult league:

  • £200 Kitlocker Voucher
  • England Football Accredited Digital Asset Pack & Certificate