
Disability Pathway

Evolving and Growing Season-by-Season

sustaining and growing the pathway

Fully-Inclusive Club Environments

The disability pathway within Essex continues to evolve and grow season-by-season, although disability football is still known as the best kept secret. We want to change this!

The pathway is very similar to that of male and female - from youth to adults - with small variations to help support and develop the pathway. This includes a four-year age banding for youth and mixed-gender teams for adults, aiding in supporting clubs to develop a disability pathway and growing the Essex Soccability League.

The disability pathway is for any individual who is unable to participate within a mainstream club. This section of the Club Development Hub will provide support to clubs on how to develop and sustain a disability pathway, ensuring there is an offer for every individual and, in turn, creating a fully-inclusive club environment.

This section will include a variety of resources and webinars to support clubs in the development of a disability pathway, as well as first-hand experience from mainstream clubs who have developed a disability pathway, discussing their initial apprehensions and how they have developed and sustained a disability pathway.

If you are interested in starting or increasing the provisions on offer for disability football at your club, then please register your interest by clicking the button and filling in the form and we will be in touch to begin discussions. 

Register Interest